Activities for schools in Quebec

Go on an adventure
Get in on the action
Experience an Avacture!
An Avacture
Live a treasure hunt adventure,
of which you are the heroes,
in the form of a rally on foot
in the streets of the city.
Enquêtez sur des mystères.
Décryptez des cartes au trésor.
Déchiffrez des codes secrets.
Solutionnez des énigmes.

An adventure kit in hand, the investigation begins. It works like a pedestrian rally. You will have to solve puzzles using monuments and buildings that you will discover along the way.
Montreal & Quebec
Offered all year round
French English
With animation
A great way to discover the city through a game.
Claudia Genel
ICI Radio-Canada
It looks like a Hollywood movie script... except the hero of this adventure... is you.
Martine Bouliane
The Press
A pleasant excuse to discover a city
Sophie Marcotte
Quite an adventure! It is frankly interesting.
Eve-Marie Lortie
Hi-Hello Weekend VAT
A Da Vinci Code plot built from our history... Hours and hours of fun.
Linda Tremblay
Rock Relaxation
Fun and dynamic, this adventure is a real attraction. This concept constitutes a new form of art.
Quebec More
A healthy activity to get some fresh air and walk.
A low-polluting ecological activity.
Discover the heritage and secrets of a city. Monuments, buildings, street names, unusual objects...
Ideal for groups
Avacture can accommodate groups of several hundred people
Turnkey activities including all equipment
French and English speakers can be mixed in the same group
You can take our adventures in friendly competition
Ages 12 and up recommended. Under 12 years old if in a team with an adult.
The adventures feature living characters. Don't get distracted in your quest by evil spies.
No need for a machine (GPS, tablet, smartphone). Instead, use your head, your resourcefulness, and a good old treasure map.
Average duration 1h30 to 2h
Do more than answer a series of aimless questions. Place yourself at the heart of scenarios inspired by true stories.
The adventures combine fiction and historical facts. Have fun untangling imagination from reality.
Strengthens team spirit
In addition to being original and fun, they are educational and develop team spirit.
Featured Adventures

Formula with animation
Host, live character on the course and a host of extras
Starting and Ending Points
- Montreal: In front of the Science Centre at the Old Port
- Quebec City - The Prophecy of Champlain: In the gardens of City Hall
- Quebec City - The Heir of the Lily: At Place des Canotiers in front of the Museum of Civilization
- Introduction meeting with the facilitator (5 min).
- Walking investigation with the adventure kit provided (all materials are supplied, including flashlights when it's dark).
- Conclusion meeting with the facilitator (5 min).
### Duration
On average, 1½ hours depending on the teams. Plan for a 2-hour time slot if possible.
### Adventure Territory
- **Montreal:** Old Montreal
- **Quebec City - The Prophecy of Champlain:** Old Quebec intra-muros (Upper Town)
- **Quebec City - The Heir of the Lily:** Petit-Champlain district in Old Quebec
### Walking Distance
Approximately 2 km
### Difficulty Level
No need to know the history or the streets of the city. A map is provided.
### Recommended Age
12 years and older. The puzzles are quite challenging, so children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
### Cost
Taxes not included. In Canadian dollars.
**Regular Price**
- $17.50 per youth (under 18).
- Condition: Minimum purchase of $350 before taxes or agree to pay this minimum in organizational fees if you are fewer.
- Free for all accompanying adults.
**Group of 40 youths or more**
Volume discount. Ask for a proposal.
### Services and Benefits Included
- Choice of date and time. Available year-round, 7 days a week, day and night.
- Choice of desired language from available options.
- No deposit required.
- You can cancel the activity at no cost.
- You can increase or decrease the number of participants up to the last minute.
- Course verification by the designer before the activity.
- Preparation of materials according to the monuments available that day.
- Adventure master on-site to supervise the activity.
- Each team is lent an adventure bag containing explanations, a treasure map, puzzles, a pencil, etc.
- A scenario inspired by a true story.
- A non-linear rally concept where teams do not follow one another.
- Living character on the course. A wicked "man in black" who spies on the teams to copy their answers and take photos.
- Souvenir photo taking.
- Laminated documents to withstand the rain.
- Flashlights provided if the activity takes place in the evening.
- A healthy walking and outdoor activity.
- An ecological activity without cars, low in waste, and carbon emissions.
- Discovery of the city's historical heritage.
- Development of team spirit.
- The adventure master will be available to correct answers and answer questions about the adventure and the story.
- Retrieval of materials to reduce the ecological footprint of the activity.
- Zero responsibility for you for breakage or loss of materials.
- Creation of your souvenir album on a secret webpage for your group. You can download and share your photos.
### Payment
Payable on-site or by invoice after the activity.
**Accepted Payment Methods**
- Cash
- Checks
- Credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express)
- Debit cards (Interac, MasterCard, Visa)
- Email transfers (Interac)
- Bank transfers
### Reservation
- Reserve at least 1 week in advance.
- Fill out the online form.
- You will receive a reservation confirmation within hours.